I went to DJ ICY ICE's house for rehearsal of our DJ set for Dec. 20th that is this coming Saturday--!!
I am very happy to have DJ session with him everytime, cuz he is the one of the legendary great DJ in LA and I respect him a lot!! Of course, I can learn a lot of skills and more for djing dj at the club and having my show in front of people!!
Yesterday, I just woke up at 7am and edit one of our song that MC Toquon from Soul Elevation rapped on my beat!!
I think that sounds became very good and my style and I really want to upload the song right now, but I think that'll be better to upload with more information about my big projects!! Lol
I know you will be surprised very much to hear my new announce for that song!!!
Anyway, after practicing I had a meeting with my boy in west Covina. We went to Japanese restarurant is called Bisyamon, had very good Sushi and I heard they have Karaoke lounge bar at 2nd floor.
Then I went to Clubs in Hollwood, club Boardners and Nacionals.
Boardners was very cool party for me, cuz a lot of my hommie were there and I was hanging out with them to talk and just chilling forever....Lol
After hanging out at Boardners, I went to Nacional where DJ ICY ICE and MR Choc from beat junkies were spinning for all night long. Icy Ice's set was great for 2 hours same as usual and Mr. Choc was awesome!! I remember that he was the best DJ from power 106 back in the day. He mixed every noon and evenning and I was always turn on that time whenever I was ready to listen!!
Yeah, both legendary DJs are still legendary DJs last night and people knew that something was different sounds. It made me very exciting and couln't leave from dj booth. I was just watching all the time!!
Respect all old djs and they openned the door hip hop and djs became over ground like now days---!! Peace