WestCoast ClinicalTrials.

WestCoast ClinicalTrials.
http://jp.wcct.com/blog/ (日本語ブログをまずはチェックしてみてください!!)

Every Thursday
at The Pines (inside of San Manuel Casino)
777 San Manuel Blvd
Highland, CA 92346

Every Friday & Saturday
at Mayan
1038 South Hill Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 746-4287

DJ OGGY featured AV8 Records DJ/Producer/Remixer

Jan 7, 2015

How to call ambulance in America


This is sfaff, Kanae.

It’s been almost one year since I came to America.

I went to eat pho with my friend last night,

but she got sick and asked me to call the ambulance.

It was my first experience and was so confused!

I didn’t know the phone number…

Also I heard it takes money and time to call the ambulance…

I had no idea, so I googled it.

In America 911

In Japan 199

So complicated! Lol

I was about call 199

American number is same as Canada and Hawaii.

It depends on the states, but it takes about $500.

Finally, we called taxi.

Anyway, I freaked out!

Keep in mind the ambulance number both Japanese and American! Lol

Hope she won’t hate pho…


DJ OGGY official website

Jan 4, 2015


Happy new year!

I’m staff, Kanae.

I’m interested in Vape recently.

Vape is combination of hookah and electric cigarette.

People choose flavored liquid and enjoy the smoke.

I often see Vape shops in the US, but it is hard to get Vape in Japan.

I am in the middle of collecting the parts, but I haven’t buy the body yet Lol

DJ OGGY official website