WestCoast ClinicalTrials.

WestCoast ClinicalTrials.
http://jp.wcct.com/blog/ (日本語ブログをまずはチェックしてみてください!!)

Every Thursday
at The Pines (inside of San Manuel Casino)
777 San Manuel Blvd
Highland, CA 92346

Every Friday & Saturday
at Mayan
1038 South Hill Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 746-4287

DJ OGGY featured AV8 Records DJ/Producer/Remixer

Mar 24, 2009

Cleaning my studio

I was cleaning my studio with my friends. Now, I feel so fresh sittng in front of my control space for djing and making my own productions.
Always chenge a lot to forcus what I do, so I have to keep being relax working my things just like right now!!LOL